Milling using CNC machine

Here is a list of the companies we support:

+ Hasslacher Group, + Stora Enso, + Theurl Austrian Premium Timber, + Pfeifer Group, + Binderholz Bausysteme, + KLH Massivholz, + Mayr-Melnhof Holz, + LOC Holz, + Mosser Leimholz, + Holzbau Unterrainer, + Best wood Schneider, + Eugen Decker, + FHS Holzbau, + Derix Group, + HBS, + Holzbauwerk Schwarzwald, + Lignotrend, + Schwarzwald Holzbausysteme, + Schilliger Holz, + Holzwerke van Roje

Milling by hand

possible with template from Lignatool eU - Mr. Wolfgang Ritzer -


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